In absolutely no order of preference, we've curated our Top 8 #hannukahtable images as seen on Instagram these past 8 days of Hanukkah. We're inspired!

We've selected styles which represent more 'traditional' tones to more modern, nature-inspired ones. Let us know which ones you like the most in the comments below.

1. @honeychurchlane 

2. @tableandteaspoon

3. @kimseybert

4. @rebekahlowin

5. @lindrothdesign


6. @bornonfifth

7. @donna.ouak


 8. @mainehomesmagazine

Are you looking for more inspiration? Check out our festive collection. 

Whatever the table décor, we hope you had a lovely 8 days of celebration. Chag sameach! 

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